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*How do I sign my child up to be a member of National Little Britches Rodeo Association?
You may sign up online using the membership tab, fill out the paper work and select submit. It will then allow for you to check out as a guest, you can pay online using the PayPal system. You may also go to the printable forms tab and download the Contestant Membership Application. Once it is notarized and you have a copy of a birth certificate/or if applicable, a drivers license, send it to the National Office with the $80 membership fee. Check or Money Order is fine. If you prefer, you can scan and email your completed paperwork to info@nlbra.com or fax it to 719-578-1367. You can call the office shortly afterwards at 719-389-0333 and we can process a credit card payment over the phone. Please note it will take about 24-48 hours to show up in the system so you can then enter online for the rodeos.
*How does my child qualify for Finals?
The 2024-2025 season qualifications for the National Finals Rodeo are: Placing (6) six Times in the Top (6) six at any of the franchise rodeos held throughout the season.
*What is the Top hand Team and how do I become a part of it?
If you earn (5) five 1st place points, in any one event going into the 2023 NLBFR, you have qualified for the Top Hand Team. The form is available on the website mid- April and will have the Deadline printed at the top of when it must be into the National Office along with the next season's completed membership renewal.
Please keep in mind, there are no anticipated changes to the Top Hand program: however, it is contingent upon the renewal of the NLBRA sponsors and therefore understand that there is no guarantee of products as provided in prior rodeo seasons.
* You can verify contestant points by going to National site and under points go to Points and Standings go down to rider snap shot. Type contestant name.